Thursday, 7 March 2013

Grease is the Word

With apologies to Frankie Vallie and the Bee Gees 

Change Preshy's oil and I'm such a sight
All engine grease and oil, Peggy get's quite a fright
There ain't no danger of scaring Djin too
She's just as filthy now, with all that suncream goo
Grease is the word!

They think this trip is just a jolly game
Why don't they understand?  It's just a cryin' shame
Everyday we're on the working loop
The day starts at the wheel, a suit of cream and gloop
Grease is the word!

Grease is the word, is the word that you heard
It's got dust, it's so grimy
Grease is the car, sunblock, mosi-repellent
Grease is all over, oh blimey!

We take a shower and we scrub away
Grease, dust, grime, slime and filth, but then we reapply
There is no chance that we can stop right there
We need it for protection of our skins so fair
Grease is the word!

This is life on roads all dusty
grime and sweat mix up
Sun and guard mosi
What are we doin' here???

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